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Model #MeToo Reports

Report a #MeToo Incident

Wade BrucknerPunched a female photographer
Kenneth DolinDolin was arrested when sexually assaulted a 29-year-old woman in his Wilshire Division home/studio, then two more women came forward.
Terry RichardsonA model filed a lawsuit Tuesday against the photographer Terry Richardson, accusing him of sexually assaulting her during a photo shoot. According to the lawsuit, he then exhibited, published and sold photos from the incident without her consen Now more than 30 models have come orward with sililar accusations.t.
Mario TestinoTestino is accused of sexual harassment by dozens of male assistants and models, according to a new exposé in the New York Times.
Bruce WeberWeber is accused by more than 20 models of sex assault and exploitation who filed lawsuits in NYC.


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